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Improve your life with this 3-in-1 box set

This set includes 3 books of Lenny Olsen on how to improve one’s life — TIDYING UP, MORNING GLORY, GETTING MORE THINGS DONE.


Change your life with the mind blowing experience of decluttering

Tidying up and decluttering, for most people, isn’t a chore that is particularly enjoyable; however, the process doesn’t have to be grueling. Through a number of quick tips and tricks, decluttering your home can be a mind blowing experience that not only results in a clean home, but also results in a happier and healthier environment. “Tidying Up: Change your life with the mind blowing experience of decluttering” endeavors to share with you a number of the top decluttering techniques to help you live a happier, tidier life.


How to Become an Early Bird and Love Your Mornings

Morning Glory is all about how to transform your mornings so you not only endure them, but love them. The book contains chapters on the importance of creating a sleep sanctuary, eating the right foods, and exercise. Establishing a good nightly routine is just as important as a morning routine, so adopting rituals like turning off all electronics an hour before bed, working out, and/or taking the time to wind down are critical if you want to get deep, quality sleep that makes waking up easier.


The art of getting things done

In `Getting More Things Done` you will learn simple, no-nonsense guidelines for how you can make more out of your minutes and move mountains with your hours. As you finish reading each chapter, you may think to yourself;`well, I knew that!`, and you most probably did. We all know what we ought to do, we all have that internal compass. But sometimes that compass gets broken and it has to be repaired. That is what `Getting More Things Done` is here for, to lead you back on track to your most productive, most efficient path to happiness and success.

Grab your copy now!

Tags: Cleaning, Cleaning house, Cleaning and home organizing, Cleaning and organizing, Cleaning tips, Tidying, Organizing your home, start your day right, life changing habits, morning glory, changing habits, making the most of your day, morning routine, morning habits, being productive, productive habits, productive patterns for success, getting things done, productivity tips, make the most of your time, self-improvement, time management, organizing priorities

Free on 30th Nov 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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