
Free on 3rd - 4th Aug 15
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Prophecy: Have you ever wondered if America is in the Bible and who the people called Israelite’s are today? America has been very blessed with vast water ways, rivers, creeks, mountains, plains, trees and resources flowing with milk and honey. Americans have had a history born out of the wild and rugged heritage of Europe and tamed the land that is just one aspect of the Kingdom of Heaven.

There is a wedding coming soon and the bride (JerUSAlem) is preparing for her husband (the Lamb) are you ready for the coming birth of a new nation and a people that will rule and reign with the Lord Jesus Christ for a 1000 years. Have you come to understand the leadership of believers that will be Kings (Rulers) and Priests (Servants) with the Lord Jesus Christ and will subdue the entire earth over a thousand year period for the glory of the Most High God of Hosts in Jesus name?

Are you a lover of God and want to express the deep intimacy of the Lord to all those who are called out of Babylon and the world (constitutional order) that we are all in bondage to? Are you skeptical of the system that you live in and are participating in on a daily basis? Do you have questions concerning your future and the future of America and the United States? Do you want to love one another and be an example of the Lord Jesus Christ to all the nations that are called by the name of the Most High God of Hosts, through Jesus Christ and his Blood?

Than it is time to go through some trials, tribulations, pain, suffering and afflictions that will help us to mature in the Lord and become men and women that are responsible, reasonable and have gained knowledge, wisdom and understanding of the way of Jesus Christ unto discernment. The leaders that are being prepared today will go into the millennium equipped to take care of one another through love, faith, hope and charity. The system of Babylon that is based on deception, coercion, theft, murder and violence is coming down and now is the time to get prepared to rule over yourself and your own families and serve one another in love.

The Most High loves you and has given us this prophetic time in history to correct us and destroy His enemies at the same time. Just as the Israelites came out of Egypt, we will to come out of Babylon and learn the ways of the Most High God through the teachings of Jesus Christ and will finally have our own land and will glorify the name of the Lord forever. I hope that you will take the time to start a foundation built in love for the truth and taking action in the Blood of Jesus Christ for the developing end time events that will take place soon.

Free on 3rd - 4th Aug 15
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