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Free on 14th - 15th Sep 15
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Statistics shows that 81% of people want to write their own book someday. Sadly, not everybody was able to fulfill that lifelong dream. Are you one of them? Do you want to write a book but don’t know where to start? Have you been trying to get serious about writing your book, but can’t seem to make a regular writing habit? Do you keep putting off writing in favor of pretty much anything that fascinates you?

I guess the bigger question is… why we fail to write a book we always wanted to write?

Maybe you have ideas but you dread writing it. Perhaps because you have not finish a book before or you thought you are not good enough to write a book that can inspire others. Have you ever been told that you are not going to able to write a book? Do you believe that you don’t have what it takes to be a writer? Are you afraid to write because you are not good in grammar?

Come on. Writers are not all perfect. We all have some flaws. Everyone can write a book – including you. Just pick a topic that interests you most and start writing about it. Sounds easy but hard to do, thus we procrastinate to even start. But, as long as you still have that urge within you, you can make it happen. I know there is a book within you, as a proof you are reading this book right now.

In order for you to finish and publish your book, you have to do the basic first—start writing. This is where we procrastinate. We keep on dreaming someday I will write my own book but we don’t have the guts to start writing it. I know it is hard to start if you don’t know where and how to start. If you’re keen to write a book but just can’t get started, then you need a simple, reliable way to get on with the writing. This book will help on your way. Knowing where and how to start gives you confidence and motivation to get started.

I was also a Procrastinator. Actually, almost all of writers are. Isn’t it ironic that I am writing this right now? I’ve been making books about productivity hacks and anti- procrastination. It is just a matter of self-discipline. You may think, “That’s it? What’s the sense of this book?” As always, it is easier said than done. That is why we have 14 simple but always ignored habits to kill procrastination. They are all simple and easy to do when properly and faithfully applied to your everyday life. It is still up to you if you’re going to follow them. These are just words and useless unless put into actions. Try to follow the steps and see what you can finish in a month or less.

Now do you want to start that book you’ve been keeping all this years at the drawers of your mind? Let’s start by breaking your procrastination habit.

**Take Action and BUY this book before price rises to $4.99 in no time.**

Scroll to the top of the page and select the buy button.

Tags: beat procrastination, productivity hacks, productivity ninja, habit power, stop being lazy,improve your life, stop procrastination,time management, affirmations, self help, anti procrastination for writers, productivity hacks for entrepreneurs, productivity unleashed.

Free on 14th - 15th Sep 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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