Author: Genre: Length: Novella

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**Top bestseller in Business & Money, Personal Finance and #1 in Real Estate Investments**

Want to Be a Successful Real Estate Investor?
Are you trying to build and sustain a long-term real estate investing business? Do you want to spend more time with your family and less time in a job?

Real Estate Investing Sucks: How to Deal with Change and Find Success as a Real Estate Investor will help you get through the pitfalls and hurdles when real estate investing has gone bad.

The key to being a successful real estate investor (even as a beginner real estate investor) is not only to make money when the market is high or low, but also learn how to create a sustainable real estate investing business for the long term.

With over a decade of experience in real estate investing, Rachel Hernandez, also known as Mobile Home Gurl, has learned what it takes to run a successful real estate investing business for all investors, whether experienced real estate investors or beginners, for the long term. Looking back, every time there has been an obstacle in the way (when real estate investing has gone bad), the one consistent theme where she has learned and has been challenged the most has been change.

By being able to adapt and learn from the changes that happen when real estate investing has gone bad, Rachel has been able to overcome the obstacles she has faced in all facets of her real estate investing business. In this book, she will teach you what she has learned so you too can overcome these changes if your own real estate investing business has gone bad and run a successful real estate investing business for the long term.

Inside you’ll learn how to handle the types of changes in your real estate investing business including;

Market Changes
Management Changes
Personnel Changes
Marketing Method Changes
Funding Changes
Partnership Changes
Personal Situation Changes

Also, you will discover the one wild card that can boost your success if you seize the opportunity:

Luck and the Part It Plays


You’ll get information to additional resources that will help you on your real estate investing journey.

Would you like to know more?

Read the book today and start getting results!

Free on 1st - 5th Apr 17
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