Author: Genre: Length: Novella

Free on 27th - 28th Jul 16
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Over the past year, I have developed one of the most informative muscle building books on the market.

The book is called RENEGADE MUSCLE.

What makes this program different from the hundreds of others that claim to build muscle is that this book uses principles from over 100 referenced studies, as well as my own 12 years of training experience.

The purpose of the book is to teach you how to do 2 things:

1. Gain a ton of muscle as FAST as possible

2. Gain a ton of muscle in the SIMPLEST way possible

So many training programs are horribly constructed.

They have you train using principles that are purely based off of bro-science and not what the actual research shows to be most effective.

This book will discuss the pitfalls of these styles of training, and will provide you with the most bang for your buck exercises to give you a jacked physique in the shortest amount of time.

The fact is, if you follow the principles of this training program, THERE IS NO WAY THAT YOU WILL NOT GAIN MUSCLE.

I don’t care if you’re a ‘hard-gainer’, an ‘easy-gainer’, a beginner, or a lifter with 10 years of training experience.

There is no other bodybuilding program that will put on muscle mass as effectively as this one.

Not only will we discuss what type of training is necessary to build the body of your dreams, but we will also cover how to properly eat in order to build muscle (WITHOUT gaining fat).

On top of this, I will show you how to stay MOTIVATED on your journey of physical transformation.

Everyone knows that the process of physical transformation is not an easy road.

If it were, everyone would be walking around looking like real-life superheroes.

That’s why this program will discuss the top mental techniques necessary to stay consistent and motivated to the very end.

Here’s a quick look at what we will cover in this book:

o 5 keys to attaining a successful mindset

o The only 5 lifts you will ever need to get jacked

o The principle of progressive overload

o The importance of training volume

o The truth about ‘muscle building’ rep ranges

o Proper training frequency

o The best training schemes in existence today

o Why we cycle our rep ranges

o How to cycle our rep ranges

o Types of periodization and which type is best

o How to incorporate active recovery

o How to incorporate deload weeks

o How long to rest between sets

o How you should actually warm up before training

o Meal frequency

o Intermittent fasting

o Fasted training

o Meal timing

o Post-workout nutrition

o How many calories you need to put on muscle (and not fat)

o How many carbs you should have per day

o The real amount of protein you need per day

o The importance of eating fats

o How much water you should drink per day

o Bodybuilding supplements that are actually worth buying

And of course:

An easy to follow, no-nonsense program that will get you REAL results in the SHORTEST amount of time.


Free on 27th - 28th Jul 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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