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Free on 13th Feb 17
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It’s late 2008, and while the financial world is teetering at the brink of a precipice, mild man of rock Nero Bain has tipped over the edge of his own crisis and is admitted to a psychiatric unit. Since turning his back on the British post-punk music scene in the early eighties, Nero has been on a downward slide. These days he’s a rent collector for uncompromising loan shark Fin Dixey, but recent distractions have resulted in a misunderstanding over money between them. Nero decides to escape to the country from his seedy Oxford surroundings, embarking on the trip with friend and ex-roadie, Kevin.

While on the road, searching for a new direction to his life, Nero meets with a succession of unconventional individuals and peculiar situations. In the process, he uncovers intriguing buried layers of his family history and experiences an intense visionary insight into the true meaning of empathy — ultimately attempting an audacious and unorthodox solution to his problems.

“We are a composite of our own individuality merged with all the inherited quirks and qualities of our parents and their ancestors too, going back and back. I believe we are connected to them and they live on in us all in some mysterious way even though they can seem so distant to us now…”

Free on 13th Feb 17
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