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Free on 1st - 5th Feb 15
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Your Next Trip To Samoa Will Be Truly Spectacular, Astonishing, Awe-Inspiring!

What if I could promise to save you thousands of $$$$ on your next trip to Samoa…would that be of benefit to you?

What happens is tourists see the beautiful island of Samoa and its smiling people, white sandy beaches, cascading waterfalls, crystal blue waters and emerald jungle AND THEY FALL IN LOVE IMMEDIATELY!

They book their flights and accommodation through their travel agent or online and they arrive in Samoa and the following happens: they take time to get accustomed to the environment, they experience the beauty and hospitality of their hotel, and they may get a small dose of culture whilst on the island. But what happens is most people go to Samoa, relax, kick back and then it’s time to go home.

At the airport they meet other travellers and when they converse about which tourist spots they visited everyone says the same thing: I didn’t know about that place OR we heard about that place but we didn’t have time OR wow we’ll go there the next time we come…which may be never.

You’ve spent thousands of dollars to come to enjoy the beautiful island of Samoa surely you want to FULLY ENJOY Samoa … not just a little bit?

Which is why I have created this book. This book has a lot about Samoa and the places to visit. I have provided links to a lot of great material which you can access. I even include a description of my holiday which I had there a few months ago AND I SHARE with you my learnings which will save your potentially HUNDREDS of dollars and a lot of time.

When you read this book you will be able to plan your holiday better and hit the ground running. SERIOUSLY you will save a lot of time and money by buying this book. Potentially thousands of dollars.

Some tourists say “I didn’t know about this place or that place…bummer I will go there next time.”

This book is the antidote to that.

I include material that you can find nowhere else online. I also include valuable links to existing online material that when combined will make your trip to Samoa MAGNIFICENT, BEAUTIFUL, JOYFUL, EXCITING, AND AMAZING!

I want you to squeeze every drop from your experience of the islands of Samoa. Why? I want you to love it so much that you go home and tell your friends and family and they come to Samoa and experience it too.

I was a volunteer in Samoa for 3 years. In that time I was based mainly in the capital. For all that time I never experienced 90% of the Samoan tourist experiences possible. I want to share with you my learning experiences as a tourist, as well as my cultural learnings so when you arrive you will be like a seasoned local returning home.

There is nothing worse than spending all that money on your holiday and then having an average experience.

With this book you will hit the ground running with more knowledge than most people on the island have (including the locals!).

You may think “Well I’m on holiday I don’t need to see everything, I just want to relax.” Well this book is more than just squeezing the most out of your holiday. It is about saving you a lot of money. Some people pay $1000s more for accommodation than they need to. If you are a backpacker you will be pleased to know there are more accommodation options than what is listed online.

I will show you how to save money by:

*showing you what I think are the dream destinations you must reach first

*giving you valuable tips about renting cars and who to rent from (this will save you a lot of potential headaches believe me!)

*how to plan your ferry trip to the island of Savaii (most tourists miss Savaii the first time round – not you!)

ways to get yourself up and running with a Samoan sim card for your phone and internet needs

*how to buy the best local food

*dealing with taxi drivers in a fun and empowering way

*where to find the best currency exchange rates on the island

Free on 1st - 5th Feb 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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