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Wouldn’t it be wonderful to live with greater peace even in times of stress? To be content in your daily life?

This book’s goal isn’t to eliminate the feeling of sadness or upsets from our lives, as that’s impossible. It is to help you have an improved outlook on life, to be able to see the silver lining in the clouds, to learn tools to help you be content and ok with where you are in life.

Can you change your negative thought process for a better you? I’ll give you the bad news first. Scientists say fifty percent of our happiness is due to genetics. The good news? They also say FORTY PERCENT is under our own control! The other 10% is due to life circumstances. This is actually good news, as it means YOU have the power within to get 40% happier! That’s quite a lot if you think about it.

What will you gain from reading this book?

You will discover what exactly will contribute to your happiness. Research shows that the source of happiness is not what many people think it is.
Gain an understanding of the brain’s ability to rewire new pathways that change the way you think about life.
Learn how you can literally breakdown negative pathways, and rewire positive pathways in your brain, leading you to increased optimism and emotion regulation
You will learn the tools for having a more positive thought process in day to day life, resulting in a happier, more confident you.
Gain knowledge of things you can easily do every morning and throughout your day to increase happiness and rid yourself of negativity.
Learn about what you can do to change your external environment, making it easier for you to stay on a path of optimism.
Learn about mindfulness meditation. I know, meditation, sounds so new-age, but the science is in – mindfulness meditation is proven to actually change the brain, and prevent signs of aging in the brain. It is also proven to decrease stress and depression, and increase mental clarity. So don’t knock it just yet!

Now it’s up to you to read this book and put it to use!

Free on 30th Dec 16
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