
Free on 30th Mar 24 - 3rd Apr 24
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The book ‘Solar Power Demystified: The Beginners Guide To Solar Power, Energy Independence And Lower Bills’ introduces you to the world of solar electric panels and systems.

It reveals you the reasons why photovoltaic solar panels are continuing to gain worldwide popularity and are becoming more important as a source of renewable energy.

You can see the question “To go or not to go solar?” discussed in its practical aspects.

Furthermore you are advised what kind of solar electric system you need and how to evaluate whether your home is ‘solar-ready’ or not

You are also introduced to the basics of photovoltaics and to the main types of solar electric systems and their components.

The book is intended to provide basic information to everyone who makes first steps in the world of photovoltaics and needs the matter explained in an easy-to-understand and straightforward way.

The book exposes:

Photovoltaics in the world of renewable energy

Advantages of photovoltaics in a summary

Why are photovoltaics continuing to gain worldwide popularity?

Why is the cost of photovoltaics decreasing?

Drawbacks of photovoltaics

What are the main applications of solar electric systems?

To go or not to go solar – that is the question!

Some issues to consider before going solar

Why would you need a solar electric system?

Don’t go solar before reading this!

What kind of solar electric system do you need?

How big solar electric system do you need?

How to finance the cost of your solar electric system?

Financial incentives

Is your building solar-ready?

How to assess your location for solar resource?

Why the condition of your roof does matter

Free solar panels

Solar power for business owners

Energy efficiency above all

How to improve the energy efficiency of your building

The basics of solar power

Solar electric systems

Grid-connected solar electric systems

Stand-alone (off-grid) solar electric systems

Advantages and drawbacks of stand-alone systems

Why are off-grid systems attractive?

Main applications of stand-alone solar electric systems

Selecting your solar vendor

What to be careful about

Grab the book and get started saving money on electricity and becoming energy independent now!

Free on 30th Mar 24 - 3rd Apr 24
View on Amazon.co.uk


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