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Free on 25th - 29th May 15
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We, as humans, go through seasons in our lives as God works, grows, and teaches us. I personally believe I do my best writing when I write about what is currently going on around me—when I write about a season that I am currently in.

In this particular case, I knew I was in the midst of a season of learning to trust God in a BIG way. He was challenging and testing me, seeing what I wanted to do. Ultimately I had to make a decision. Fortunately, that decision was to follow God in whatever direction He pointed me in, even though it required a massive amount of trust.

We as Christians need to understand the importance of trust and all that it entails. This means learning both the requirements and ramifications of fully committing to God.

Sure, we love the idea of faith, but what do we really do when the going gets tough? When the finances stop flowing, our relationships are struggling, or our health isn’t perfect, what do we do? Do we trust God, or do we begin to back away and blame Him?

The truth is that it’s incredibly easy to trust the Lord when the waters are calm, when everything around us is going well. But the true test of our relationship with Him comes when the storm hits, when the waves crash down on us and everything is out of control. This is when it is the most crucial that we run to Him and trust that His plan is better than ours.

It is not easy. It will require you to become weak. However, that’s the beauty of Christ. For when I am weak, He is strong.

Free on 25th - 29th May 15
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