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Free on 3rd - 5th Jan 24
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Fate…Sex, love and money.

Egyptian Queens & Chelsea playboys, Moses obeying blindly his God, all face the tragedy of the human condition, Love being the only ultimate & possible salvation.

Egypt is in political turmoil now, but three thousand years ago in the court of Pharaoh Akhenaten and his beautiful Queen Nefertiti where Ptahmose the High Priest known to the Biblical world as Moses is about to change the course of history forever. In Twenty First Century London the mysterious Tallulah Thursday has always felt that she just doesn’t belong, in the society that she was born into. Who is the mysterious lover that she begins to dream of and how does she unravel the enigma of the lost Queen Nefertiti the most beautiful woman the world has ever known.

Tallulah Thursday is a love story but it is also the Odyssey and personal quest of one very modern woman searching for a meaning to her life in the fallen debris of a past civilisation where nothing is ever exactly as it seems. In the Ancient world the darkness and chaos of the ”before time” was kept at bay by ritual and prayer to the old Gods, but the old Gods have been put aside and Tallulah’s journey takes her into the vortex of the past for which she has no map and no assurance of returning intact.

Extract .

He first saw her on a Thursday, yes it was a Thursday a week ago, although the week seems like a lifetime now, he can’t imagine ever having not known her. When he is actually at last sitting opposite her sipping his espresso and she tells him her name is Tallulah, he laughs and calls her Tallulah Thursday. She bows her head in acquiescence, smiling, happy that he has begun to think of her as his own property. What is in a name? What is in this name? It is only her ‘ren’ her original secret name that is important to her, all the other names she has taken or given herself have come and gone like the waves on the seashore . She has felt them as the sea foam on a storm swept day, as a bird migrating across the desert, as a drop of moisture in a cloud floating southwards. But always returning and returning to the one place that she knows as home .She has had so many of these words applied to her over the years, so many efforts to pinpoint her in matter, to earth her here incarnate in human form, to prevent her wings from singing as they pulse open and soar into the night sky. Yes each one seems to describe a different fragment of her character and a separate piece of the textured layers of stained glass that constitute her soul nature. So she smiles and fixes her great black eyes on him and continues her story without a pause.

Free on 3rd - 5th Jan 24
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