Author: Genre: (, ) Length: Novella

Free on 30th Dec 16
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Not just another book on Tarot, or the Law of Attraction, this book combines the two to give the reader a sense of connectedness with both ancient wisdom and modern ideas. The cards of Major Arcana of the Tarot explore timeless and universal themes of the human experience; love, justice, inspiration, hope, change. The Law of Attraction is a timeless and universal principle for attracting and manifesting those same things to create a life of joy and abundance. The combination of the two is the blueprint to becoming a co-creator of your life, with the Infinite.

The symbolism on each card is explained, and keywords describe the general theme of the card. Then, there is a brief meditation on how these themes are expressed in the Law of Attraction; for instance, how change is renewal, and hope becomes reality. A short and simple mantra follows, which can be used as a “thought of the day”, or for more formal meditation practice, and finally, the most important part: the action item. The Law of Attraction is active, requiring work and dedication. This is where most who try to connect with it fail. The action item will get you on track, with simple, one-step-at-a-time, concrete activities to do each day.

Whether you choose a “card of the day”, and take that day’s meditation as your lesson from the Infinite, or go card by card in order, each meditation will help you connect; both with the archetypes represented in the cards, and the laws of the Universe, which science is only now beginning to understand.

If “The Secret”, or other books on the Law of Attraction resonated with you, but you just couldn’t make it work, this book is for you. Not simply a motivational or inspirational book, the action items and mantras are the guidance you need to maintain the positive mindset which keeps the Law’s magic flowing to you!

The Infinite is there, waiting for you. Be a co-creator of your life. This book will show you how.

Free on 30th Dec 16
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