
Free on 22nd - 26th May 16
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It’s a slow Monday afternoon at Manhattan’s Midtown North Precinct when the call comes in and Detective Devlin Stark is willing enough to be amused. For an hour he listens as the amiable caller describes in detail two murders he claims to have committed, one in 2012 the other in 2014.

When asked by Stark if he’s calling to confess, the man says, “No, Detective, I’m calling to say I’m just getting started.”

With that the caller offers Stark a Manhattan location where shortly after Stark and his partner, Reba McIntosh, arrive on scene to discover a third victim.

But are McIntosh and Stark dealing with a serial killer, a copycat or a manipulative and cunning adversary who only wants it to appear this way? Where in claiming credit for multiple murders he draws attention away from the one single homicide that truly matters?

But like any homicide investigator, Stark and McIntosh are willing to accept the Serial Killer theory: after all, a serial killer investigation is the Holy Grail of a policing career; book deals, guest appearances on Fox News and CNN, Dateline and Forty Eight Hours, maybe even a Netflix Original Series.

With his mobile phone ringing through the night with calls from The Chatterbox, the body count rising and the media, the Mayor and the Police Commissioner watching, Stark is drawn into a game of catch-me-if-you-can with a killer determined to engage in one final, deadly confrontation that could leave Stark, his partner, or both dead.

Includes These Free Previews: DARKNESS FALLS and BLINK AND YOU DIE

Free on 22nd - 26th May 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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