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Success. Freedom. Love. Prosperity. The compelling spiritual law that is the Law of Attraction has seen innumerable blessings and abundance magnate into the lives of countless individuals. And yet there is more…much, much, much more.

Attraction is a love funnel, spun into existence by a God whom is ultimately attracting relationship to Himself. Connecting the gift with the Gift Giver, this timely book unleashes the Person and Power of God from His Spirit into your heart.

Join acclaimed author Craig Merrett as he takes you on a journey of discovery and destiny.

Learn with the aid of biblical revelation how spiritual law governs that’s which takes place in the natural as you discover:

The history of the Law of Attraction, its role in religions and its practice by some of its prominent teachers.

How to overcome the void that is the ‘God shaped hole’ as you are empowered to be filled to overflow.

You are created to Attract God’s ‘Like energy’ and through Jesus can attract life’s very best by becoming ‘Christlike’.

The ‘privilege of partnership’ that is operating in harmony and relationship with the ultimate positive source of energy that is Creator God.

How to remove blockages to positive Attraction.

Revolutionary insight as to how to attract health, wealth, and abundance in alignment with your true calling.

The power of the mind, the force of faith, the rule of emotions, and the authority of the spoken word.

Divine healing is yours to claim as you learn how to tap into God’s higher realm.

For such a time as this the true power and purpose of the Law of Attraction is being released. You are connecting with a God whom loves, sustains and empowers your very existence!

Free on 30th May 17
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