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Free on 19th - 23rd Jul 14
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This week only, get this Kindle book for just $0.99. Regularly priced at $4.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone or Kindle device. If you want to learn a key to understanding your body and how it can be functioning at a more healthy and efficient level, then this book is for you. In the Western world, we have been told for decades that we need to have a low-fat diet to be healthier, to lose weight, to avoid heart disease…and so the list goes on. But what if that’s wrong? Not that we should suddenly eat any kind of fat we can get out hands on, but what if natural fats are an essential part of our diet? What if we as a society have spent the last few decades frantically avoiding saturated fats, when they are exactly what we should be adding back in to our nutritional plans?

I understand your skepticism! But the research is piling up: a diet made up mostly of grains and starches is not working for us in the western world. In fact, there is not even research to support it. Instead researchers are discovering more and more information that challenges the ‘low-fat’ drive of the last few decades. Our body NEEDS fat! It operates on a more healthy level with a good fat intake. In fact, eating fat (including saturated fat, gasp!) can help you lose weight, control cravings and greatly improve your energy.

This book will help you understand this new approach in a practical, introductory manner. The information is laid out clearly in a manner that is accessible to you, and will help you get started on your new nutrition journey! The goal is to empower you to understand your nutrition and take control of your eating.

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn

  • Why ‘Low Fat’ is a Lie
  • Which fat is good?
  • Carbohydrates and Weight Loss
  • Positive Benefits of Re-Introducing Good Fat
  • High-Fat Recipes that are good for you!
  • The Best foods for a High-Fat Low-Carb Diet

Take action right away to start your new nutritional journey today by downloading this book, “The Low Fat Myth”, for a limited time discount of only $0.99!

Tags: low fat myth, healthy fats, clean eating, low carbohydrate, healthy living, ketogenic diet, nutrition, real food, healthy eating, weight loss, health and fitness, weight control, natural eating

Free on 19th - 23rd Jul 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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