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Free on 10th - 13th Mar 17
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The Magical Combination of Tarot and Astrology

How to Improve Your Readings with Astro-Tarot

by Ruth Aharoni

If you are interested in tarot reading – whether you are experienced tarot reader or a new reader, or just an amateur – have you ever felt the urge and aspiration to step up to a higher level and improve your reading skills? Are you interested in becoming a better tarot reader, hoping to become a unique reader, rather than a standard one?

If your answer is positive, you can learn how to combine the building blocks of Astrology and Tarot by the help of the book “The Magical Combination of Tarot and Astrology”, and take your readings to the next level. If you have stepped into the world of Tarot, driven by the desire to improve your life and help others improve theirs, adding astrological interpretations to the classical interpretations of each card will give depth and insights to your reading.

Ruth Aharoni is an astrologer and a Tarot reader with thirty years of experience in consulting and teaching Astrology and Tarot, and is the author of many self-help books on the topics of astrology, tarot, channeling, meditation, yoga, personal change and spiritual development. She offers a synergy of Astrology and Tarot as a very powerful and effective tool to improve Tarot reading as well as reading of astrological charts.

The combination of Astrology and Tarot will improve a lot both your skills as a tarot reader and an astrologer. By learning the fascinating art of Astro-Tarot, you too can improve your skills. The combination of tarot and astrological interpretation is very creative, surprising and absorbing. The astrological concepts in in this book are explained simply and clearly. Descriptions and interpretations of the cards, provided in this book, will allow you to understand them better and fully comprehend their meanings. The methodology presented here helps you grasp the spirit of the cards and utilize the combination of Astrology and Tarot to fully know yourself and others in all levels of life.

You are invited to come inside and get acquainted with the building blocks of Tarot and Astrology, learn about the intriguing connection between them, and practice the astrological spread. You’ll be able to shed light on your life, if you read for yourself, and of others, who come for your advice, with the help of this unique guide that:

—Provides descriptions and interpretations of the tarot cards of the Major Arcana

—Presents the principals of the planets, and the spiritual lesson of each zodiac sign

—Describes how to combine the building blocks of astrology and tarot

—Explains the meanings of the twelve astrological houses

—Analyzes an example of astrological card spread

Free on 10th - 13th Mar 17
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