
Free on 18th - 22nd Jul 17
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The pressures of modern life, the distorted values we cherish and the fierce struggle “to survive” in an atmosphere of endless economic, social and even personal worldwide crisis – all those factors trigger ever intensively the development of depression, phobias, obsessive thoughts, anxiety, panic attacks, and other psychological disorders. It is possible for a person to suffer from a few of those at once – nobody is immunized!

Not being an exception to this current lifestyle tendency, 15 years ago I experienced my first panic attack. Shortly afterwards, I developed the syndrome of panic disorder. During this long period of my Life, I went through a number of stages – from complete disorientation and despair, through denial and resistance, until I finally came to the liberating power of acceptance. In this little book, I do not offer you a panacea, but you can consider and take advantage of the issues tackled adapting them to your personal circumstances. There can`t be a “ready-made” formula or a certain rule to “deal” with panic disorder, as there is no universal recipe for happiness. What I share with you is nohing else but my experience which comes to prove you that IT IS possible not only to learn how to live with panic disorder but to teach us how to live this Life. Wordplay, but not quite… I hope that knowing my story you will feel the need to search, explore and find your own way, your own answers and your inner motivation for a Change. I know that each and every one of you is desperately seeking and waiting for it. Every one of you needs to find his own personal reasons for what`s happening in his Life in order to “cure” these “damaged” links. For each of us the answers and “the recipe” are different and unique. I guess most of you are already convinced that there is no “magic” pill to remove this “hell” from your Life. Perhaps there is one that relieves your state for the moment, but the question is: for how long? Even if they do lead to actual physical sensations, panic attacks are rarely related to physical illnesses. Panic attacks are not the “root” cause for your state. They are nothing but a consequence… A consequence of a false attitude towards Life… An effect of non-acceptance of ourselves, as we are. Taking only pills does nothing more than curing the symptoms but not the cause of the “illness”. I use this word conditionally.

Do not consider panic disorder an illness. It is an alarm.

It is a signal coming from our body and subconscious mind to alert us that we have chosen a wrong path. Through panic attacks, our whole being “cries out” that it is time to become aware of what we truly are and change.

The cure you need is right inside you.

Break away from your everyday routine for a little while! Give yourself enough time to read what I have written for you. I will tell you about my Life as a “hostage” to panic disorder, and the time it took me to accept it as… my friend. Probably most of you will be confused and ask themselves: “How can she talk about this nightmare as a friend?!?”; “Obviously she has not been in such a severe state as I was…”; “She has not experienced the most horrible crises…”; “It is easy for her to talk…” I understand your distrust. I used to think like you…, a while ago.

If you can relate to all this – read this book! It will reveal you truths about you, Life, and about one “other face of panic”. One which you did not even suspect that exists…

Free on 18th - 22nd Jul 17
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