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Free on 11th - 15th Aug 15
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In today’s world, you are continuously exhausted, burned out and stressed due to the many demands present in everyday life. As a result, you get distracted from the most important things in your life, which oftentimes get overlooked and taken for granted. This causes stress and leads you to an empty and unfulfilled existence filled with drudgery and void of all excitement and passion. In his new inspiring book “The Power of Now: Relieve Stress, Gain Peace & Improve Your Life Through Mindfulness” Darren “Professa D” Douglas shows you simple strategies for minimizing or completely eliminating the stress in your life so that you can start living again!

Here’s What You’ll Learn:

How to trace the origins of your stress so you can get rid of them for good! You may be surprised to find out what they REALLY are!

A simple, yet powerful exercise for relieving mental, emotional and physical tension that keeps you feeling wound up and “on the edge”.

Effective strategies for letting go of all life’s dramas so you can get back to spending quality time with family and friends, pursuing hobbies and enjoying your life.

How you can put an end to self-destructive “coping mechanisms” that wreak havoc in your life.

What you can do TODAY to start implementing Mindfulness in your life so you can enjoy mental and physical health benefits such as better concentration and focus as well as decreased blood pressure.

And a lot more!!

The Power of Now is all about developing the “now habits” that enable you to relieve stress and take back control of your life. As the saying goes: “Wherever you go, there you are”, and this book gives you the tools not to run from stress, but to handle it! The practice of “Mindfulness” has been touted as the pathway to inner peace, as well as the road to developing a stronger sense of character.

Remember in any stressful situation you have two choices: change the situation or change yourself. This powerful action guide gives you the keys to effectively do both. So what are you waiting for? Invest in your future happiness today and get your copy of this incredible guide that could be your ticket to a fulfilling life unlike anything you ever thought possible.

Free on 11th - 15th Aug 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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