
Free on 27th - 31st Jan 18
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If you’re ready to develop greater Self Efficacy in order to achieve any goal you set out for yourself, then this book is for you!

Today only, get this incredibly useful guide for only $2.99. Regularly priced at $4.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.

How do you fare in the face of adversity? Do you have the ability to overcome fears and other obstacles in order to achieve your ultimate goal? Or do you have a more defeatist attitude? Self-efficacy is the belief in your own abilities to adequately deal with challenges life throws your way. This plays a huge role in your feelings of self-worth and in your ability to achieve ultimate success. Each step you take towards your dream, no matter how big or small, brings you closer and closer. There will be setbacks; there always are. No one’s life is perfect. Without your struggles, you would never learn what it means to surpass them to succeed. But when your faith in yourself wavers, self-efficacy is exactly when you need to push yourself even harder. This ebook is specifically designed to help you develop greater self-efficacy, taking your ability to succeed to an entirely new level. If you’re ready to learn how, let’s get started!

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

What Is Self-Efficacy?Improving Your Self-EfficacySelf-Esteem Versus Self-EfficacySelf-Efficacy in AcademiaSelf-Efficacy and Entrepreneurial SuccessSelf-Efficacy in the WorkplaceMuch, much more!Download your copy today!

Free on 27th - 31st Jan 18
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