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The 12 Step Plan For Preppers Survival in Event Of Any Crisis

Today only, get this Amazon book for only $0.99 for a limited time. Regulary priced at $4.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.

Learn step by step how to prepare for short term and long term disaster.

Do You Feel Overwhelmed?

One of the greatest barriers that keeps people and families from doing what’s required for survival is the feeling of being overwhelmed. This is a lot to collect and store, so how do you even get started?

It might appear much easier to simply put it on the backburner and consider it later. However when an emergency comes you won’t have time to start. Fortunately with this guide you’ll be learn to do it just Step-by-step to make your family more secure.

Any step you take is going to be an enhancement over what you had before you took that step. And when you’ve taken enough baby steps you’ll suddenly realize you’ve reached your goals.

The other issue that people face is financial. For most people it’s not possible to purchase everything they need at the same time. If you’re in a situation with a limited budget that might have kept you from moving forward with your disaster survival items.

This guide is laid out in a way that allows you to spend a small amount of money each step to reach your goals.

This eBook contains 12 Steps that are guaranteed to turn you into a prepper so that you can go on survivor mode once a disaster strikes. These 12 steps will start you off on your quest to be prepared for any kind of disaster.

Basically, you need to plan for a short term disaster and a long term disaster. A bug-out bag is something that you have to maintain for a short term emergency. It will contain things that will last you for a 3 day period i.e. 72 hours. Every member of your family should have a bug-out bag.

Long term food and water storage will help you survive a long term disaster. This is what you will be planning for in each and every step. Along with surviving a disaster, a prepper should increase their skills so that they can lead a better life. This guide will teach you on how to lead a healthier life by suggesting food items that are beneficial for your body. Upgrading skills is one of the most important aspects of a prepper. Saving money is yet another thing that you will realize is the key to surviving a short term or long term disaster.

Food, shelter and security are of utmost importance if you want to survive during a disaster. The eBook will guide you on extra security measure such as reinforcing door, locking windows so that you are not attacked by people during an electric breakdown. Relying too much on an electrical system may not work during a power failure. One of the most important aspects of surviving is having enough food. Food storing techniques such as canning is mentioned in extreme details so that you can preserve food for a period of 3 months to a year. Follow all the steps and tips discussed in the book and you are guaranteed to see out any type of disaster and survive in the company of your family.

Here is A Preview of what you´ll learn

Storing food for long term

Bug-out bag for you and each family member

Security and shelter

Several ways for saving money 
First aid kit

Items for barters

Enhancing skills

   Canning food


So be prepared for any scenario that comes your way and just get started.   

Download your copy today!

     Tags: preppers survival, Survival, prepper Survival guide, Prepper Survival, Survival Skills, Survival Gear, Survival Backpack, survival books, Survival for Family, Bug out Bag, prepper survival food, 72 hours emergency kit, survival for family, prepper survival list, canning food

Free on 12th - 16th Feb 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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