
Free on 22nd Apr 17
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Aren’t you tired of diet books and workout plans that require you to become a completely different
person? If you could work out for an hour 3 times a week you probably wouldn’t be overweight to begin with. Let’s be honest, a lot of us just aren’t that person. We don’t have the self-discipline or the desire to get in the gym or go to Zumba class. And even if we did, maybe we just have better things to do with our time.

The shift is a simple diet plan. It is not complicated by any means. There’s no exercise routine. No counting calories. And no special secrets. It is a simple plan that anybody can follow. And it gets results. It is also relatively easy, but it does require some work and discipline. There is no way to lose weight without having some discipline.

If you follow the advice in this book you can lose the weight that you’ve always wanted to. It is not complicated. But you have to do the work. If you are not willing to make some simple changes in your life, you might as well put the book down now. However, if you are willing to make a few small adjustments in your everyday patterns and build on those adjustments on a month-to-month basis you will be successful beyond your wildest dreams.

Free on 22nd Apr 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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