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The Ultimate Parenting guide for Introvert Moms, Dads and Kids

****Limited Time only****, get this Kindle book for $0.99 Regularly priced at $2.99 until Nov. 25 2014

Are you worried that your parenting ways aren’t exactly the best to make your INTROVERTED children thrive in a world that values “outgoing people” with “leadership skills” over everyone else?

Do you wonder what kind of activities will empower your INTROVERT son or daughter to become the best in what he or she chooses to be?

Are you ready to inspire your INTROVERT kid so that he or she performs to his/her FULL potential in any endeavor that he chooses for his Life?

Well, I am an Introvert MOM and I used to have all this questions and many more roaming around my head almost all the time. Mostly because I was unaware of my Introvert ways and sometimes too much introspection causes many of these worries.

I used to scold myself for feeling overwhelmed, being exhausted, and not understanding why it took so much out of me when I was watching over and taking care of my kids. I was always feeling guilty for just wanting to put them asleep, so that I could have some time for myself.

Like us adults, Introvert kids particularly, are in a constant stress of being misunderstood because of their unique behavior.

The fact is when it comes to being with their peers, introvert children like quality rather than quantity. They prefer to be alone or doing things with a few close people.

Nevertheless, instead of completely overcoming my parenting inadequacies, I decided to accept myself for who I am and learned how to better manage my energy, setting things like play dates and kids social gatherings to my advantage.

All it takes is just a little bit of awareness and preparation. Qualities of which Introverts are already great at!

Would you like to learn how to raise your Introvert kids, in a manner that teaches them self-acceptance and self-respect, without over-protecting or overwhelming him/her, so that they are empowered and motivated to become the best version of themselves?

In this guide you will learn and integrate into your life, the insights and easy strategies that I learned and researched throughout the years of being an introvert Parent and wife.

I went to psychologists and seminar after seminar so that I could get rid of the Overwhelm, the guilt feelings and better understand my Introvert ways. Not only did I take it out on my kids but my spouse was really suffering too.

In this essential guide you will get incredible insights into the following topics about Introvert Parenting:

Characteristics of Introverted Children

Pains and Challenges of Introverted Parents

Mistakes most Introverted Parents Make

Best ways to communicate and parent an Introverted kid

How to parent Introvert Teenagers

Strategies to maintain Good Mental and Physical Health for Introvert Parents

Activities Best suited to part with your Introverts Kids

And much, much more….

When you implement the simple strategies for introverted parents that I expose in this book, you will have new skills too easily:

Maintain your energy at high levels while taking good care of your kids

Develop a deeper meaningful relationship with your children and actual partner.

Instill a better sense of self-value and self-respect in your children

Motivate and empower your children to feel they can achieve whatever they want in Life

Maintain your Mental and Physical Health at its optimum level

And that is only the beginning…

Buy the book now to raise happy quiet introvert children that reach their FULL potential and thrive.

Click the “buy now” button and start mastering your Inner Introvert Parenting Power.

I look forward to helping you on your journey.

Jennifer C. Lowes

Free on 10th - 11th Mar 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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