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Become slim and healthy! Learn the yoga body diet and start shredding that unwanted fatty curves through an effective natural weight loss technique called – The Yogi Diet!

Today only, get this Kindle book for just $0.99. Regularly priced at $4.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.

Yoga has been around for ages. Many people, including celebrities, are obsessed with the promise of a healthy body through yoga. A lot automatically think about yoga as a set of exercises that will help your body achieve a calmed state. However, modern times have developed several yoga concepts that promote a healthy lifestyle. Today, there are plenty of theories about yoga weight loss and the Yogi diet.

The Yogi Diet Detox : Real Slim Life Solutions for a Yoga Body is a book that covers all you need to know about yoga and diet. Yoga weight loss beginners will find this as a useful manual to achieve a yoga body. The yoga of eating is a discipline that will help a person achieve a slim and healthy body without any kind of harm.

If you are looking for a natural weight loss formula, healthy eating will always top the list. However, more than eating healthy foods, you must follow an effective weight loss regimen that will guide you on how to be slim and how to be thin but still stay healthy.

Unlike most weight loss books, this book mainly gives you knowledge on the importance of detoxifying your body using a Yogi diet. The weight loss advice and weight loss tips that it contains focuses on a natural way to lose weight by means of a Yogi diet detox.

You will learn the following in this health and wellness book:

  • What is Detoxification?
  • Why is There a Need to Detoxify?
  • Yogi Diet Detoxification and Weight Loss
  • The Yogi Diet Plan: Suggested Recipes
  • Yogi Detox Tips
  • Yogi Detox Diet As a Way of Life

As an effective weight loss method, the yogi body diet book will discuss about foods that are to be avoided, caloric intake and limitations, proper eating habits, and recipes that will speed up the detoxification process. The main objective is to help you get rid of the toxins that accumulated on your body from those unhealthy foods that you consumed. These toxins are harmful if not removed from the body.

Yoga weight loss beginners will surely be delighted with the different topics that are discussed on this guide. It is a sure- fire way to lose weight without starving yourself but instead have a regular healthy diet that will nourish yourself and help you achieve a fuller and healthier life.

Take action today! Start practicing a healthier lifestyle, be healthy, feel great and naturally lose that excess weight by downloading a copy of this book: ” The Yogi Diet Detox: Real Slim Life Solutions for a Yoga Body (Yoga Weight Loss)” for a limited time discount of $0.99!

Download NOW!

Tags: Yoga body, yoga, Yogi Diet, yoga weight loss, yoga of eating, yoga, yoga and diet, yoga weight loss beginners, Yogi Diet Detox, yoga body diet, yoga diet, natural weight loss, yoga, slim and healthy, yoga weight loss books, healthy eating, yoga detox, yoga

Free on 9th - 10th Mar 14
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