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Life is designed to cloak us with despair. But if we respected ourselves we’d never be held down. When you travel around the world you’ll see the sad reality we’re in. We have so many things going wrong. At the dawn of civilization everything was near perfect. And so, the bigger question is; what happened to us? Why should a few of us live in bliss while the majorities have miserable lives? I will tell you why. We’re not liberated from expectations! The moment an individual becomes blind to the expectations of anyone else or the society, that’s the moment they become enlightened. And only enlightened beings can build a strong world. Humans tend to organize themselves in flocks, and in order to fit into a specific crowd, you have to attain their standards. Such environment discourages exploiting the human resource optimally. I am aware that humans can’t survive by themselves. But I also know that it is the crowd mentality that stifles development! And so, one who rises above the crowd, is among the chosen few that change the world.

The most important goal is to be happy. And if you’re to be happy you must engage in work that feels rewarding. There are three things that I consider major pillars of happiness; friendship, relationship, and belief system. On friendship, it’s pretty clear that the folk you decide to trust will have an impact on your happiness. You must pick them wisely and drop them when the situation demands. Also, relationships are an important factor in the happiness equation. The spouse you choose will have a massive impact on what you’ll turn out to be. Also there are instances when such partnerships must be ended. And lastly, your belief system plays a role in your happiness. No one in existence can prove that their beliefs are absolutely true. But having a belief system that is line with rationalism is a healthy practice. Sadly, we only have retrogressive belief systems. And I encourage people to ditch religions and work to be spiritual beings.

Free on 30th Dec 16
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