
Free on 26th - 28th Jan 16
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Have you every had a lot to do in a day, and felt overwhelmed to the point where nothing gets done? Do you have many tasks in your day and never know where to start? Do you struggle with always looking at social media while trying to be productive?

End Procrastination, and Increase Productivity – Organize Your Life and Master Your Time Management Skills!

In this book Time Management: How to be Focused and Productive to Finally Get the Success You Truly Want, you will learn the skills needed to become successful at managing your time.

The most successful people are great with time management and after reading this book; you will be one of those successful people. Each chapter is filled with proven skills and techniques for managing your time and using your time more effectively. You will learn how to identify and remove time killers from your life, how to think ahead to make tasks easier and how to prioritize and organize your tasks so that you can make lists and schedules to suit your lifestyle and individual needs. You will also learn how to keep from stretching yourself too thin or overbooking yourself. With drive and motivation, this book will get you to the next level of success.

Within this book’s pages you will find answers to these questions and more. Here are some important topics covered in this book.

Identifying Things That Waste Your Time

Simplify By Thinking Ahead

Prioritizing Tasks

Making Lists

How to Avoid Overextending Yourself

Making a Schedule and Sticking to It

Hurry! Scroll to the top and select the “BUY” button for instant download.

Free on 26th - 28th Jan 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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