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This Book Makes for Smooth Sailing Through Traffic Court!

Today only, get it for just $0.99. Regularly priced at $4.99.

Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.

If you recently received a traffic ticket, this book will hit home right away. What you learn in it will help you tremendously.

If you have not received a traffic ticket, but you realize that the odds are that you may get one someday, congratulations, because by reading this you are now way ahead of the crowd!

A lot of books and people will fill you up with false information, false hopes and harsh tactics that will get you nowhere in court. You will undoubtedly end up disappointed and maybe even receive a bigger fine if you follow their advice.

This book does not contain any fake statistics on your chances of winning your case, or pie in the sky promises of “beating” the ticket.

This book is designed to help you understand what to really expect when you walk into the courthouse. It provides 10 practical, real life tips to get you through the process as quickly and fairly as possible. It consists of no nonsense advice that may sound simple at first, but goes a long way to resolving your traffic tickets.

Think of it as a minimalist approach, if you will. It is about the reality of handling traffic tickets in court, not smoke and mirrors.

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

What to do when you get pulled over . . . What to keep track of . . .Who to speak with and when. . . The difference between an arraignment and a trial . . . Whether to attend Driving School . . .What to bring to court . . . What not to bring to court . . .How to behave in court . . .Much, much


Download your copy today!

Take action right now and download this book for a limited time discount of only $0.99!

Don’t be taken by surprise in court like you were when you got pulled over in the first place!

Free on 12th - 16th Feb 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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