
Free on 10th - 12th Feb 18
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As soon as you learn that you or your child has type one diabetes you become terrified. Thousand questions pop up in your mind.
What happens in type one diabetes?What to do to cure diabetes?How to control diabetes?How is life with diabetes?How to explain this to a child?What is causing diabetes?Why did it happen to me?You search the internet for answers, it shows a million pages. From this ocean of information what you really need is difficult to find. You ask your health care personal but not satisfied with the answers. You become confused, afraid and angry.

But you don’t have to be confused or afraid. You are not alone. Type 1 diabetes is a common disease. About 350 million people worldwide have it. They are successfully managing diabetes. Managing diabetes is easy, if you have the correct information.
Your blood sugar is easy to control, if you know the guidelines.

Life with diabetes is different but diabetes does not keep you from anything the life has to offer. Sure there is a catch, you have to control type 1 diabetes all your life. But You will be amazed to see
Life with diabetes is even healthier than life without diabetes.

If your child has type one diabetes you have to prepare and teach him how to live with diabetes. He/she should know
What is type one diabetes?What complications diabetes causes?What are the treatment options for managing diabetes?How to inject insulin?What diet is best for type 1 diabetes?How much time should a child exercise and play?How to check blood sugar at home?How to recognize and prevent complications of diabetes?
Diabetes prevention in case of Type 1 is not possible, yet. But there is diabetes solution. Diabetes is like a shadow of you or your child. Like a shadow, it will always be with you. When controlled like a shadow you will forget even it is present. And in not so distant future, you or your child will be cured of type 1 diabetes.

This is a small book. You can finish this book in just 1 hour. In 1 hour you will have all important and updated information on living with Type one diabetes. This book will give you the confidence, hope and information to live a normal happy life with Type 1 Diabetes.

This new version is completely rewritten, latest information on managing diabetes added, future diabetes solution mentioned, mistakes are corrected. Take a look inside, I think you will agree that you need this book.

Free on 10th - 12th Feb 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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