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Free on 16th - 20th Jul 17
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UNDERSTANDING DIVINE TRINITY is an expository book that elucidates broadly the concept of the Godhead, line by line, precept on precept, with detail exegesis on the deity of the Triune God (ELOHIM).

All doubts, complications, fallacies, and misconceptions are cleared away with this Biblical revelation. Root words studies, supportive Bible citations and quotes, proper examinations of Old Testament and New Testament appearances of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are established in truth with complete scriptural back-up.

Trinity means unity of the Godhead in I John 5:7, also in John 17:11 and the three separate persons which exist in divine individuality and divine plurality (Echad) ??? are called God. Each singular state or person is called God and collectively they are spoken as one God. Hence, the word God is used either as singular or plural qualifying vocabulary. They are co-equal, co-eternal, and they co-exist before the beginning of creation.

This book prove beyond doubt all the nature and attributes of God, and established the divine precedents clearly to the clergy, laity, seminarians, and the unchurched.

To foster easy reading, the topical issues are broken into bit for easy digestion and spiritual assimilation.

This cardinal doctrine which unifies the Christendom is explained away and you have this book as a guide to knowledge. You have defeated ignorance by reading this book.

This chapter highlights detail evaluation on the background of Trinity using Hebrew word play and clear exegesis for understanding of readers. Many bible verses were thoroughly expounded with scholastic prowess. Etymologic and deutronomical research further strengthened the study.THE SOVEREIGNITY AND MAJESTY OF GOD THE FATHER
This chapter gives detail teaching on the person of God the Father and His miracles, Throne, Nature and attribute, acts and other qualities such as Anthropopathism and Anthropomorphism as supported by bible citations.
(JESUS CHRIST). This gives explicit and implicit evaluation on the Deity of Jesus as the Son of God, prophecies about His birth, life, death and resurrection. Further studies on Christophany/Theophany as Old Testament appearances of Jesus and His Future appearances at rapture and second coming. Detail prophetic excursus and his several names and His Five-fold ministry to the church.AN EXCURSUS ON THE DEITY OF GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT
This chapter elucidates concisely the works/functions/Deity of Holy Spirit with precept. This is an exegesis on the person of HolySpirit, gifts of the spirit, fruit of the spirit; six sins against the Holy Spirit and nature and ministry of Holy Spirit in redemptive work. The relationship of Holy Spirit with men in Old Testaments and New Testaments is explained away.

Free on 16th - 20th Jul 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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