
Free on 30th Oct 13 - 1st Nov 13
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Amazon Bestseller in two Categories!
Vampires! Sixteen authors give you a glimpse into the dark worlds of lost love, murderous rage, and undeniable sex appeal where deadly quests and blood lust spanning centuries of time reign supreme. Explore some of the most unique vampires to exist on this side of the grave. Essays, excerpts, and short stories from award winning authors Karen Dales, Kurt Kamm, Bertena Varney and more including veteran horror writer Carole Gill. They will entertain you, thrill you, and bewilder you as they reveal the dark secrets of the most beloved creatures of the night, including eleven times bestselling author Terri Reid creator of the Mary O’Reilly Series. So, which will it be: the romantic vampire, the revenant vampire, the elemental, the fanged vampire, or the mythological female vampire? Begin reading and find out!
Carole Gill

“In the attempt to find the just measure of horror and terror, I
came upon the writing of Carole Gill whose work revealed a whole new
dimension to me. The figure of the gothic child was there. Stoker’s
horror was there. Along with the romance! At the heart of her writing
one stumbles upon a genuine search for that darkness we lost with the
loss of Stoker.”

Dr. Margarita Georgieva ~ Gothic Readings in the Dark

Karen Dales


Siren Books Best Novel of the Year

Best Horror Novel of the Year

Sizzling Hot Books Best Novel of the Year, Runner up

Kurt Kamm


2012 International Book Award

2012 National Indie Excellence Book Award

2012 USA Best Book Award


2012 Hackney Literary Award

Free on 30th Oct 13 - 1st Nov 13
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