The Croydon Citizen December 2015 is out, and with it the indie ebooks column. We’re on page 10, at the bottom.

With the new format, we reviewed four books:

  • Shirley Link and the Safe Case by Ben Zackheim
  • Reservoir Cats by Penel Ashworth
  • SpiderStalk by D. Nathan Hillard
  • Prunes for BreaKfast by John Searanke

If you want to show appreciation, please contact the Croydon Citizen(or @CroydonCit) as the more popular the feature is, the more likely it will be renewed.

Croydon Citizen Dec 2016 - books reviews

Croydon Citizen 2016

The newspaper has not been digistised yet, but you can view a scan of the column here. Click the image to read the full column, and then click back on your browser to return here.


porridge (2015-12-10)
Ahem. Reservoir Cats is a great book, but this is its second feature. Not that I mind :)

Bookangel (2015-12-10)
Strangely we had a complete lack of funny animal stories the days before the column was due in. Typically enough, by two days later we had lots.

jessica (2015-12-10)
So more cat stories coming up then? :) :) :)

Reader (2015-12-12)
Look for our Boxing Day review, that's all I shall say.

porridge (2015-12-13)
Ah, but are they Scottish cats?

Terry (2015-12-29)
Is there going to be a January column as well?

porridge (2015-12-30)
There better be.

Bookangel (2015-12-30)
We expect them to run until July again, when a decision will be taken by the paper about whether to renew it or not. If you want to help, tell people about the reviews, or write to the paper so they know people are reading it. We're quite happy to keep doing reviews for as long as there's space.

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