Finding Forever

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Finding Forever

Last Free Dates: 10th Aug 23 to 14th Aug 23
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After a bad day at work, Ava drops into a coffee shop where she meets Ryan. He buys her a coffee and they talk and finding a lot in common. When they discover a spark of passion between them, they decide to start a relationship. When they start their relationship, they find they have several obstacles in their way from their jobs, their families and friends disapproval, to their own insecurities. Yet, they work through it and open up to each other, trusting in themselves to overcome any challenge, whether it be a past ex or their own past. Then each of them has a wonderful opportunity paced before them, and they have to decide once and for all, do they choose themselves or each other.

Finding Forever is a short, sweet, simple romance story that charts some of the trials and pitfalls that all couples have to deal with during the their relationships. Whether it is getting to know each other, enabling trust, or choosing to be together, it covers each step in small, almost anecdotal, chapters. What I find strange is that reading it as a boy meets girl and they fall in love story, did very little for me other than wonder at Ava’s sense of self preservation, but then this seems to have been written for a simpler time. But reading through it again, and just thinking about what each chapter told me and thinking about my own life, honestly made me think back over my own life. The slight detail given at each step may not apply directly, but the themes and ideas behind each part have done and a re-affirmation of what it means to be in love and how to respect and care for another is always a valuable idea to have. As a result, the characters are more guides through this process then people you follow to see what happens. They make the choices that you know you should make if you want to stay as a couple before the next challenge appears.

The writing is clear and simple and the book as a whole does not take long to read, whether you are looking for a message in it or not. The setup may be a cliched as it comes, but past that the author keeps each section simple, although in some ways, Ava and Ryan are almost too perfect in what they do. They may drift apart, but there are no arguments or annoyances and no tension between them. It is far more an always meant to be together feeling from the book with the struggles all being external. However, how those are handled still resonate.

Matching the story, the book is minimalistic with a simple cover, and just the story with no extras at all. It’s actually refreshing to see someone let the book stand on it’s own merits without pointing at all the other works they may or may not have done. The book is well edited and neatly broken down. It may only take a coffee break to read, but it’s one with a message that makes you go back for another read to think on what it is trying to say.

Overall, it’s a simple HEA romance for romance fans, but it does have something to it to make you think a little further.

Rating: TBC
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