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Zombies vs The Living Dead (An Evacuation Story #1): Surviving The Evacuation

Last Free Dates: 29th May 24 to 31st May 24
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...Fans of happy fluffy stories with happy endings should avoid this like the plague. Fans of drama, horror, possibly zombies, Shaun of the dead, and excellent writing should buy this book now....
A zombie outbreak takes over the world – written from the point of view of a elderly chap in an old-folks’ home in a small British village.
George isn’t your usual hero, or retiree. He’s staying in an old-folks home, he’s got a girlfriend, even if she’s bedbound, is learning mechanics from a local shop owner, and has a plan. And then the virus epidemic starts, and the evacuations, and in a beautifully eerie scene the residents of the home find out they have been abandoned. I’m not saying more because I’m not spoiling the rest of the book.
This one has it all, horror, drama and a touch of black comedy for seasoning. It is a very British book – mentions of Bournemouth, Crewe, and lots of use of the word ‘bloody’ – I was right at home. The spelling and punctuation are also British.
Formatting, spelling errors? I didn’t spot any and frankly by the second chapter I didn’t care. The pacing is perfect, the characters are well drawn and believable, and the ending is absolutely heartbreaking.
Fans of happy fluffy stories with happy endings should avoid this like the plague. Fans of drama, horror, possibly zombies, Shaun of the dead, and excellent writing should buy this book now.
To the author (spoilers for British profanity): You made me cry, you bastard.
It has five stars on Amazon, and it’s earned it. I would give five stars, but – oh why not, just this once. Five stars.
Rating: 5Reviewed by
Reviewed on: 2014-09-19
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