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You are viewing reviews with a rating of 4. (Page 7)
  • How not to…How not to…
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: 4
    "Good advice delivered through biting sarcasm, quips, and some moments that brought a smile or chuckle? Its a very good read, and... well, I would recommend it. "
  • Yetunde: An Ode to My motherYetunde: An Ode to My mother
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: 4
    "What could be very dry is actually entrancing...This isn't just a story, it's a look into Yoruba beliefs and folktales"
  • Sewing can be DangerousSewing can be Dangerous
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: 4
    "Highly recommended, and a great read for lovers of short stories of almost any genre."
  • GoldfieldsGoldfields
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: 4
    "An excellent and chilling short story for lovers of ghost stories and quiet horror. "
  • Malala’s mission for the worldMalala’s mission for the world
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: 4
    "This is a book I would highly recommend for children whether read alone or with their parents. "
  • Jack Ryder mysteries. Vol 1-2Jack Ryder mysteries. Vol 1-2
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: 4
    "strong characters with good character progression through both books, and some complex and well-woven plots mean these are stories mystery readers will enjoy, as long as they can handle multiple plot threads and non-linear storytelling."
  • The Day Bob Greeley DiedThe Day Bob Greeley Died
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: 4
    "A thought-provoking and carefully written short story that readers of drama and suspense fiction will enjoy, as will anyone who likes good writing."
  • Old World (Green and Pleasant Land)Old World (Green and Pleasant Land)
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: 4
    "Horror fans will love it, it is a hell of a ride. Others should approach with caution. Good taste, decency, and cutting away at the last moment, are totally absent."
  • The Trinket BoxThe Trinket Box
    (Review by Angel)
    Rating: 4
    "The writing is excellent, conveying the horror of the situation, and the characters, thought briefly introduced, are conveyed well, each one playing a little extra role in the life of the elderly gentleman. "
  • Her Sapphire EyesHer Sapphire Eyes
    (Review by Angel)
    Rating: 4
    "a short, well-written thriller and those looking for more prurient detail will find themselves disappointed."
  • UndauntedUndaunted
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: 4
    "This ebook would probably be useful and interesting to younger readers, teens and older children, as a quick and easy to read resource about events in World War Two"
  • The Christmas GiftThe Christmas Gift
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: 4
    "An unseasonal story perhaps and yet still absolutely hilarious."
  • The Little Leprechaun who Loved YellowThe Little Leprechaun who Loved Yellow
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: 4
    "This is a lovely example of an early reader. The only downside is that it uses American spelling (e.g. 'color' not 'colour'), and so may be confusing to children just learning to read and write."
  • Escape from Cold DitchEscape from Cold Ditch
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: 4
    "Sly humour, in-jokes, sometimes dark comedy, and a not entirely happy ending that makes this the type of children's book that will endure and a blend of sadness and humour that children will love. "
  • The Trinket BoxThe Trinket Box
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: 4
    "A stunning piece of horror writing. When I finished it I went for a two hour walk. Then I recommended it to the rest of the group"
  • The Piano GirlThe Piano Girl
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: 4
    "Romance readers will probably love it, but fantasy readers, YA fans, and even children will find something enjoyable in this modern fairytale. Just remember to buy the second book! "
  • RakasaRakasa
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: 4
    "It is a good story, a very good story, and even if enjoyed isn't the right word, it kept me hooked and reading until the last page."
  • Ticket to CarcassoneTicket to Carcassone
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: 4
    "With everything from strategy tips to interviews with designers, this is a packed book great for anyone who loves boardgames or wants to find something new to play."
  • Sand RunnerSand Runner
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: 4
    "An enjoyable sci-fi action read suitable for all but the youngest, with a heroine you won't forget and a world that comes to life on the pages."
  • The DanceThe Dance
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: 4
    "A lovely retelling of a classic tale with original characters and interesting twists."