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(Arctic Humor, Chinese/Mandarin) “A charming wordless story….Sanborn’s cartooning is full of…polish and physical comedy” – Publisher’s Weekly. The rollicking adventures of a polar bear who hitches a ride to Antarctica. He’s never seen penguins before; to him they look like something fun to play with. Children love to tell or write the story.
Get this picture book on differences, cooperation, and getting along (for ages 2 – 6, preschool – first grade, Emergent Reader/Fountas & Pinnell: A, DRA: 1). Children cement their vocabulary as they find and name animals and describe the action on the pages (verbally or in writing).
“Kids will delight” – Natasha Yim. A friendly snowball fight set in the poles and brought to life by illustrator Ashley Sanborn (The Dancing Flamingos of Lake Chimichanga and If Cancer Was a Fish). Snow story by award-winning author and media professor Karl Beckstrand (Why Juan Can’t Sleep–click Karl Beckstrand above for all 60 multicultural books). See the next in this no-words children’s book series: Butterfly Blink.
A friendship/sportsmanship book available in hard cover, soft cover, or e-book in 20+ languages: Bulgarian, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Mandarin, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Ukranian, Vietnamese; 8″x10″, 30 pages with sea lion/seal; Premio Publishing & Gozo Books (Stories Without Words bedtime series, worldwide rights Β© Nov. 2014) PremioBooks, Baker & Taylor, B&N, Brodart, Follett, Herzberg/Perma-bound, Ingram, Biblio/EBSCO/iBook/Kindle/Kobo/Mackin/Smash/SCRIBD, libraries, Target and Walmart online. LCCN: 2014947746, JUV002030, JUV030120, JUV019000, HUM001000, JUV010000, SPO007000, English Hard ISBN: 978-0985398835, Soft ISBN: 978-0692220962 (ebook: 978-1311262097)