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Throughout history, there have many instances of creatures sightings that are out of the ordinary and indescribable. These creatures are commonly known as cryptids – paranormal creatures whose existence has been suggested, but never actually proven by the scientific or any other community. When speaking of a cryptid such as the Loch Ness Monster, many times, it will immediately be dismissed.

Many simply dismiss these sightings as myths, hoaxes, and crazy talk, but the insurmountable amount of cryptids has many people wondering if these creatures are more just folklore. Besides, newer species get discovered all the time. Could these so called cryptids be creatures as such? Many cryptozoological animals have been discovered over the years. When Europeans visited Australia, they reported animals that stood like a man, hopped like a frog, had deer heads, and a second head on their stomach. Who would believe that ?! But, turns out, it was the kangaroo! The platypus was also thought to be a fraud!

We may live in a world with more technology and you might think that it’s a lot easier to find and discover a species compared to hundreds and thousands of years ago. So, you decide!

Tags: Ancient History, Mythology, Mystery, Mysteries, Historical Mysteries, Ancient Mysteries, Unsolved Mysteries, Discovery, Conspiracy, Tales, Legends, Occult, Paranormal, Cryptozoology, Animals, Cryptids, Monsters, Lore, Sightings, Spooky.

Free on 25th - 29th Apr 15
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