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Free on 13th - 15th Aug 17
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Universities and seminaries all over the World are teaching religion students and future pastors the truth about Christianity from a literary and historical perspective. So, why are the people in the pews not getting this same information? Why isn’t your pastor teaching you what he/she learned as he earned his qualifications to preach? It is because your pastor is afraid you will leave their Church. People don’t want the truth. They want to blindly follow and avoid any confrontation with the facts. I used to be like this. But we need the truth about Christianity preached to us directly from the mouths of our leaders, because when it is spoken by our opponents, people leave the Church in droves. We need to accept the historical and literary reality of the Bible based on the majority scholarly opinions today, and teach these facts to our congregations. This way, Christians can come to terms with the facts and accept them while still remaining Christian. None of the points in my ten item list rule out Christianity as the truth. They may cause hardship and strain on our traditional understanding of the Bible, but in the end it will allow us to conquer those hurdles and plunge into even deeper study of our faith. We need to face these challenges head on if we want to continue to be the World’s dominant religion and bring more people to Christ.
This short ebook is not intended to be a long, academic writing. It is a 3,000 word introduction to the facts that have been hidden from the average Christian in the pews. Each of the ten points allows for further study to form your own opinion and become an independent Christian thinker. I will provide the starting point for you. These are the ten things your pastor doesn’t want you to know about the Bible.

About the Author: NICHOLAS CHAPLA is a United States Army veteran and university student majoring in Religion. He has dedicated his life to searching for religious truth through literary, historical, and devotional analysis. Nicholas loves learning, traveling, and taking part in political affairs.

Free on 13th - 15th Aug 17
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