Author: Genre: Length: Novel

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15 Steps to Health Living: Learn how to naturally lose weight, gain energy and live a healthy and an enhanced lifestyle. Dr. Gordon Fimreite shares his passion, his knowledge and his adoptable strategies for optimizing your SELF in order to lead a longer, healthier life. The book’s introduction highlights his 105-year-old grandmother’s lifestyle and shares the way she lived her life, which parallels what research studies are showing contribute to healthy living and longevity. 15 Steps goes into detail with current trends in health and wellness including nutritious food selections and ingredients, supplementation, detoxing from inside and out, exercise, sleep and stress strategies along with positive psychology and happiness. The mission and goal of 15 Steps to Healthy Living is to help every individual live a fuller, happier, and more productive life. In summary, this book is about healthy eating, diet, optimizing nutrition, living longer, weight loss, dieting tips, mindfulness and brain health.

Free on 19th Mar 18
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