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Free on 7th - 11th Sep 15
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21 habits To Stop Procrastination: How To Stop Being Lazy, Take Action, Get Results, And Get More Done!

Stop being lazy! Use these simple and effective strategies to finally beat procrastination!

Ever experienced being late for a deadline because you started the work too late? How about cramming for an important exam, only to get a barely passing score? Or postponing a dreadful task, only to have it stressing you out when you finally got around to doing it — at the very last minute?

Do you notice how some people seem to be so on top of things, and have the cleanest house, put together anytime you see them out, never seem to be stressed about things that need to be done? The just seem to have it all together! Wouldn’t you like to do that too, but just can’t seem to stop being lazy? You have all the best intentions, but never get anything done.

This book teaches you how to be just like those people who have it all together. Learn the little tips and tricks that they use on a daily basis to achieve the goals they have set to get things done and not fall into the trap of being lazy. They get results and you can too!

Take a little bit of time to read through this book and then put into practice the things that you need to do to take action and get the results that you want and to finally get things done! It can be accomplished by anyone, you just have to have the desire to do it and this book will teach you how!

Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.

Find Out What You Will Learn…

Know your Pace and Working Style Get Organized and Understand your PrioritiesTackle Your To-Do List Your Wayli>Break ‘em Down Into Smaller TasksGive Yourself A BreakMuch, much more!

Download your copy today!

Take action and download 21 Habits To Stop Procrastination today!

Beat your procrastination and get things done today!

Check Out What Others Are Saying…

–I don’t care who you are we all suffer from this. And this is why this is like my 4th buy on a book on this topic. I am always looking for ways to keep my laziness at bay. And this book has a very comprehensive break down on the problem, the cause and the solution. And it gives you a very thorough plan to follow. This is a definite recommend.

–I found this book to be a well written kick in the pants to anyone who suffers from laziness or who may be chronic procrastinators about getting something or several things done in their day-to-day lives. It really becomes simply a bad habit that needs to be broken and replaced with better habits.

The chapters on how we suffer the consequences of procrastinating, and the one on how laziness is of the body – not just the mind – were especially on point.

Tags: procrastination, laziness, idleness, taking action, productivity, initiative, motivation, success, results, lazy, results, procrastinate, stop procrastinating, procrastinating, how to stop procrastinating, be more productive, get things done, procrastination cure, stop procrastination, overcome procrastination, productivity, how to be more productive, more productive, time management, getting things done now

Free on 7th - 11th Sep 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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