Author: Genre: Length: Novella

Free on 22nd - 26th Feb 18
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In the present world, every single person wants to have professional success and personal success. This is one burning desire which each individual is having in their mind and heart. As an individual person, kid, housewife business person, startup. But the fact is 99% of them are fail in converting this burning desire to be a reality. This is because of multiple factors, lack of time, lack of self-awareness, lack of focus, lack of motivation, no inspiration, no guidance and many more. The core part is TIME, people are not able to spend proper time or balance it in a way that can self-help them to focus on the routine task and do some more to be a successful person. Most of us get advice from others that you should read success stories or follow people, but DO YOU THINK YOU CAN SPEND READING 300-400 PAGES or view 8 to 10 hours’ video which shares the success stories of others and make a note from it??? It’s hard to do so. If you will start spending this time, then you will just be reading things and will never get time to implement. Also, it will take almost 6 months for you to finish a single book.

I have been searching this success since last 8 years and after reading many things and my own experiences, I have concluded that you only need 21 simple points which can help you to be successful in both personal and professional life in just 100 pages which will not take more than 3 hours for you to read. It’s the best deal just spend 3 hours with this book and I am sure you will be getting the best outcome in your professional and personal life. I have written things in simple points and in simple language so it becomes easy for any user to read this book and understand it quickly. Each point in the book is having a strong relationship with your personal and professional life.

In this book, we will discuss simple 21 points as tips which will help you to become successful. I will request you that you make notes for each chapter and keep it with you so by having one A4 paper with you, you are close to your success daily. This book will become one of the core part of your life and key motivational factor for you.

Free on 22nd - 26th Feb 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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