
Free on 7th Dec 14 - 1st Jan 70
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So, enter green smoothies.

Sometimes, we just need to remind ourselves why. Why we need to exercise, why we need to work on our diet, why in general we need to take care of ourselves. We are starting to have a better understanding how adding something as simple as a few more raw uncooked foods and eating less processed ‘empty’ foods is a great way to take better care of our health. Looking and feeling better can be as simple as eating better and is not about eating less.

Making delicious green smoothies is an easy way to get these raw foods into ourselves and our family. When we do this it leaves less room for processed refined “non-nutrient” foods, sweets and over-indulgences. Eating less junk and more clean, whole foods will help your body feel lighter, more energized and all-around healthy, help re-build healthy digestion, energy production, metabolism and weight management.

We need to reduce or eliminate the known culprits in our food that have been linked to the skyrocketing level of degenerative disease and weight gain that is plaguing our modern world. Bad ‘carbs’ such as white flour and white sugar and ‘bad fats; such as saturated and trans fats along with a raft of unhealthy chemicals and preservatives in our food are making us the unhealthiest we have ever been in the history of mankind.

When we eat more raw foods we can inject health-promoting vitamins, enzymes, fiber, healthy ‘carbs’ and fats, anti-oxidants and Phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are of particular interest. They are the compounds and chemicals that help plants defend against environmental challenges, such as damage from pests or ultraviolet light, appear to provide humans with protection as well.

Mounting research shows their effectiveness in preventing and treating a range of conditions including everything from cancer and heart disease to diabetes and high blood pressure. It is now believed that you can reduce your cancer risk by as much as 40 percent by eating more vegetables, fruits, and other plant based foods like coconut, nuts and seeds. Cooking dramatically reduces food’s phytochemical content and reduces or destroys the ability of antioxidants in food to do their job.

So, enter green smoothies. What better way to get these health promoting goodies into our body than to throw them into a blender and puree them into a delicious drink? They provide us with better nutrition and will not only help prevent disease and weight gain, but it will also slow the aging process and increase our vitality and energy, the very things we need to live our best life.

Free on 7th Dec 14 - 1st Jan 70
View on Amazon.co.uk


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