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Free on 18th - 22nd Feb 17
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Looking for Funny Joke Books for Adults and Teenagers?
Imagine you can get the funniest bundle of the best jokes of the year in just a few seconds!
This book has no bad words, but it is not for kids. Some jokes are about relationship between men and women, and it may not be appropriate for children.

Donald Shaw is a popular comic and an award-winning humor books author (his wife gave a chocolate cake award to him)! These jokes have been tested on Donald’s friends and more than a thousand of people who already have this book. When they started laughing, no one could stop them!

Joking is always fun! Jokes bring smiles to people’s faces. Jokes make us laugh. People fall in love when they smile at each other. Many people enjoy joking with their closest friends and families. Jokes help to overcome the difficulties and relax us. Joking is an awesome social skill and a great way to make new friends and to communicate nearly in any surrounding. Many people also love just to read some good jokes for amusement.

However, it is not that easy to find real good jokes today. Some of them are out-of-date. Some of them are not clean enough. You may also find many joke books that are just not really funny and contain too much fluff like advertising and the author’s bio.

This jokes book is different!

Buying this book you will get:

A great collection of FUNNY jokes approved by hundreds of people, including my family and friends
One-liners, real-life awkward situations, riddles and short stories
Great book to read on a long trip
Clean jokes WITHOUT nasty words
Jokes for adults and teenagers. In fact, there are some jokes for kids too, but do not give this book to your children
Jokes about relationship, marriage, professions, hobbies, animals, school, etc.
LIMITED TIME BONUS: the link to download my FREE HUMOR LIBRARY that includes hundreds of great jokes for kids, adults, and teenagers. So the whole family may have fun! This is no-brainer, really!
Due to that people have different tastes, some of them like certain jokes and the others not. This especially applies to the jokes of certain genres like Yo Mamma jokes, blonde jokes, etc. Therefore I have included only a few jokes of these types that may be offensive to some groups of people. And in any case, this book is free of racism. I also did not mean to insult blonde women, overweight people or any other categories of people. So relax, take it easy and enjoy the humor!

Buy this book NOW and roll on the floor laughing!

Pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page!

Free on 18th - 22nd Feb 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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