

Author: Genre: Length: Novel

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Puffs of smoke erupted around him as one of the cars opened fire. He changed direction and headed to the right. There was a narrow alleyway. He ran into it looking for somewhere to hide. There was nowhere. Just flat brick. There was a screeching behind him. He risked a glance back. A red Corvette had skidded into the alley. Wicked, spinning blades on its wheels sparking and screeching as they scraped against the wall. (Excerpt from Carnage.) The devil and his minions are about, and wreaking havoc in these short stories of demonic intent. No one is safe. In the dark. When you are sleepy. You see him in the corner of your eye. You feel his breath. The hairs on the back of your neck rise. You tell yourself it is just your imagination. But how sure are you?

A collection of twelve short horror stories. Virtual Reality is explored in ‘Carnage’. A twist on Zombies in the ‘Zombies Tale’. A beast bursts from an ancient Indian Totem pole in ‘Totem’. Demonic possession causes terror in ‘Thou Shalt Kill’. In ‘Homo Sanguinis’, and ‘the Hellion’, different names for creatures based on history and current trends is explored. Aliens, Vampires even the Men in Black are thought to be the result of these creatures that are part of the Hominid family. Earthlings just like us, but they took a lightly different evolutionary path. Even a classic were wolf appears to cause terror in the bower beast.

The Stories are, in a large part, set in and around my home city of Sheffield England. An ancient City. A city associated with Steele, and cutlery. Now it’s spooky side is showing.

Free on 6th Jun 17
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