Inside is a story that is so compelling, so unbelievable and so heart wrenching that you as the reader will be astonished as tears fill your eyes when you see the Power of this one Human Being.
Raymond’s story was written to benefit the lives of hundreds and thousands people who have felt loss. It’s a story for any parent who has lost a child or faced loss within their lives that have been hard to overcome.
Read how this man and his faith carried him through the deaths of his children, marriage and complete devotion to his mother for not abandoning him as a child
Overcoming such adversity and trials throughout his lifetime and the strength he upheld at each chapter in his life guided by his Faith. Knowing that he was going to live the Beautiful Life that he was born to have no matter what challenges he faced.
Hungry for Life: A Memoir Unlocking the Truth Inside an Anorexic Mind
Passage to Shambhala: The Himalayan Journals of M.G. Hawking
Whoopi: The Life And Legacy Of Whoopi Goldberg
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