Stock Options and other derivatives are becoming more and more accessible.
Whereas some books provide only a simple introduction to Stock Options and others provide a more detailed framework for how to use Stock Options, this book provides both.
Lessons I learned losing $100,000 To Accelerate Your Trading Success is a collection of eighty consolidated learnings from over twelve years of derivative trading.
If you don’t want trade options daily you should still look at Stock Options as Insurance for your long term stock portfolio.
Inside this frank compilation you will find:
oAn explanation of basic Call Options and Put Options in layman’s terms.
oAn introduction to using Stock Options as insurance for your stock portfolio.
oDiscussions and explanation of candlesticks bar charts and the display of financial information.
oA breakdown on liquidity and market makers.
oThe benefits of trend trading and optimizing your profits during price movements.
oThe importance of Psychology in profitable trading.
oCriteria for choosing the best Mentors and the training that suits you.
oMoney management and capital preservation tools.
oRealistic focus on the time commitments and the opportunity costs of trading.
oEmphasis on the importance of your own written trading rules.
oRecognition that trading is a business and help in defining your own trading business plan.
oAn introduction to more advanced Options trading strategies plus the use of strategic action plans to reduce your reaction times.
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