
Free on 13th Dec 16
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Averil Parnell is an investment banker in the American Midwest with an obsession: he wishes to acquire a financially troubled French bank, Finance Suez, which was once the largest and most powerful financial institution in the world.

Jacques Montand was once an executive with Finance Suez. He was fired as the whistle-blower who brought to the attention of the authorities the bank’s illegalities. Recruited by Averil to lead the buyout effort for the French bank, Jacques anticipates that he will return to Paris in triumph as the new president of a reconstituted Finance Suez.

But powerful men in the French government do not want Jacques to celebrate anytime soon. They intend that Finance Suez remain in French ownership. They do not want Jacques to succeed in brokering a buyout by the Americans of the old French bank. In Paris, Jacques is perceived as a pirate intent on profiting from the demise of the employer he betrayed. So reviled is Jacques Montand that his life is threatened.

But Jacques also has an interest in another Averil Parnell passion. Her name is Samantha. Averil is an old roué of the New World who relishes amorous relationships with young and attractive female subordinates. Jacques is French and over here. How can Averil and Jacques Montand work together when they must compete for Samantha’s affection?

But they find a way, when sympathizers to al-Qaeda emerge as dark knights to compete for control of Finance Suez.

Free on 13th Dec 16
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