
Free on 28th Oct 13 - 1st Nov 13
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Your soul yearns for prosperity but you settle for mediocrity


Once, a Master summoned two disciples. The first disciple could only see the worst in others and the second disciple could only see the best in others. He asked both of them to go to the city. He told the first disciple to bring back a good person and he told the second disciple to bring back a bad person. Both came back empty handed. The disciple who could only see the worst in others could not find a good person and the disciple who could only see the best in others could not find a bad person. The same is the case with wealth, your outer reality is a reflection of your inner world.

“A Great Sage and a Rascal named – Doku is uplifting, enriching and deeply thought provoking. A must read for all those who are interested in living a life overflowing with abundance”.

~T. Harv Eker –  Author, #1 NY Times Bestseller Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

“This book gives you a proven, practical, step-by-step process to develop the essential “prosperity consciousness” that leads to wealth.”

~Brian Tracy – Author, Million Dollar Habits

“A rare abundance parable that pairs a recommendation of owning up to one’s own greatness yet applying that greatness in continual and joyful service to others, and many other complimentary wisdoms to live a life of inner and outer wealth.”

~Kerul Kassel, Ph.D – Award winning author of Stop Procrastinating Now and Productive Procrastination

This book effortlessly introduces you to deep eastern concepts in the form of a witty, delectable and charming parable. Nestled high up in the mountains, in an ashram, a Master educates (draws out from within the student) innate wisdom already present in every human being. These concepts have stood the test of time, not for centuries but millennia.

Kindly click on the “Look Inside” feature which lets you browse through the Table of Contents and the first few chapters for FREE.

In this book you will discover the following and much more:

– How Spiritual Life and Wealth are truly joined at the hip
– A deadly sliver of doubt that shreds your dreams, drives and ambitions to pieces
– How to make money, it has nothing to do with Wall Street, gold, real estate, sales or marketing
– The virus that corrupts the pristine operating system you were born with and how to kill it
– Going beyond forgiveness, something that will liberate you instantly
– Success in one sentence, the twin peaks of failure and the art of getting the right answers
– Exercising without moving; the role that food, clarity, creativity and sound play in your life
– Do Soul Mates Exist and how to see through the illusion called time management
– The ultimate secret, few know this, and even fewer know how to use it effectively

By understanding and embracing these simple yet profound concepts, those all over the world can easily achieve happiness, wealth and success without breaking their backs, ruining their health or ending up in a mental asylum.

This book is meant for people of all ages and all cultures, who regularly ask themselves this question – How do I become a millionaire or how do I get rich? Many have commented on the fact that this book is worth many times the price it’s being so sold for.

The author revels in giving others an incredible deal and would like everyone to take care of this wonderful offer.

About the Author
Vivek Rajan Vivek has been researching life and people for close to 20 years. He is an engineer, tinkerer, inventor, teacher, mentor, investor, learner, believer, observer and author. He has traveled extensively the world over and loves the open road; he genuinely likes people, loves good food and good music. He enjoys working with those who are sincerely looking for a better way to live, from a

Free on 28th Oct 13 - 1st Nov 13
View on Amazon.co.uk


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