
Free on 15th Nov 16
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It’s been ten years since he set foot on home soil. Three, since his family and friends were left grieving for a death that never came.

Fighting for one’s country, bearing witness to the atrocities of war has left former Sergeant Theo Lowell as a shell of a broken man.

Now that he’s back, it’s time to make a life for himself. If only he agreed with everyone’s assessment that he was deserving of it. After all, no one but him knew of the sins he’d committed.

Instead of rebuilding himself into a man ready for a family, friendship and happiness, he sets forth to do some rebuilding of another kind.  After all, if one deems himself helpless, why not be helpful?

When he knocks on Morgan Smyth’s door, the last thing he expects is that rebuilding what is currently before him would prove to be such a daunting task.

Two hearts–emotional baggage–multiple wars are waged as a home takes shape.

Funny how redemption can be found at the tip of a screwdriver, the head of a hammer, or better yet, when hit by a two-by-four!

Free on 15th Nov 16
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