On the verge of losing her home and her position in society, Miss Portia Thorpe is fighting all her battles with her very heart. When Lord Salisbury is offering his friendship and support, she develops a most unsuitable inclination towards him. Surrounded by uncertainty and some very strange events, Portia must face the future where her estate, Valhalla, lost at poker by her father, gets a new mysterious owner. Will she manage to find her place in the new order of things? Will she accept an unexpected marriage proposal, just to save her home? With some pride, a little prejudice and all the courage in the world, she will eventually find a solution.
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Shattered Dreams (Freedom Trilogy Book 1)
Stoizismus Für Ein Gewinnendes Mindset: Verwandle Dein Leben mit Stoischer Philosophie. 23+ Praktisc...
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