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Free on 5th - 9th Dec 17
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A MAN WHO WOULD BE KING : The Duke of Buckingham and Richard III

November 2 1483. As Henry Stafford, Duke of Buckingam stands on the scaffold of Salisbury Market Square, accused of high treason, he reflects on his life during the turbulent era of the Wars of the Roses.
After the death of his grandfather, the old Duke, Henry (known as Harry) is sent to the court of the new King Edward IV and placed into the household of his Queen, Elizabeth Woodville. Harry, coming from a rich and noble line, is considered a a ?prize catch? for the Woodvilles, and soon he is forced, aged ten, to marry one of the many Woodville girls, causing a burning resentment that lasts a lifetime.
Throughout Harry’s youth at court, he sporadically comes into contact with the King?s younger brother, Richard of Gloucester. Upon Edward?s death, they form an alliance, which sees the two Dukes secure the young Edward V, uncrowned king, and thwart the Woodvilles, who do not wish for Richard to become Lord Protector of England.
But when Bishop Stillington reveals a dark secret and Edward IV?s children are declared bastards,Harry has other ideas for himself and Richard. Henry Stafford takes upon himself the role of Kingmaker.
Richard of Gloucester is crowned as King Richard III, but despite receiving wealth and lands and offices, Harry is not content. The thought of a crown for himself begins to haunt his waking dreams.
How far will a man go to win a crown? Betrayal, rebellion…murder?

The story of the man Richard III called ‘the most untrue creature living…’

Told entirely from Buckingham’s own first person viewpoint, this new novel is set within the wider landscape of the author?s highly praised, I Richard Plantagenet series.

Free on 5th - 9th Dec 17
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