Author: Genre: Length: Novel

Free on 15th - 19th May 17
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It only takes a spark to ignite an inferno.

In a world where fears stem from catastrophes and terrorism, America faces its biggest challenge yet. Discord and apprehension are pushed to the extreme as ancient prophecies approach fruition.

The world Dakota lives in becomes unrecognizable: doomsday preppers grow more prevalent while government and local services deteriorate, eroding the security people feel in their lives and each other. As tensions grow, so does the paranoia that drives the nation to a crossroads that will change history.

Dakota holds onto her hopes of a better tomorrow, but the thread of peace seems to unravel faster than it can be contained. What will become of her and the people she loves, when a spark ignites America into an inferno of fear?

A survivalist drama set in a dystopian future, A Ripple of Fear is a gripping story for readers of all ages.

Free on 15th - 19th May 17
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